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Hers and His: Jewelry for Kids

Do your kids love jewelry? Here's how to do it right.

Decide Between What They Want and What They Should Have

Kids are just like anyone else. Some are hyper-aware of fashion trends, some care a lot, and some just...don't. And it's certainly not just girls. Boys often take style cues from their dads, or sports or music heroes.

But as parents, you'll draw the line between what kids want, what's right for them, and what they'll actually take care of.

Safety Always Comes First

In some cultures, babies get their ears pierced. In others, ear piercing is a rite of passage for pre-teen girls. In any case, use care:
  • Babies' earrings should secure with screw-backs so they won't come off, lost and possibly swallowed
  • For any age, nickel allergies are common. Choose sterling silver, surgical steel, gold or gold plate over sterling.
  • Always remember, necklaces should be worn with caution, and never to bed.

After Safety – Fashion!

Is your kid active? Opt for small studs or hoop earrings; leather or rubber necklaces and bracelets that can take a beating. Just make sure you know the rules for wearing jewelry on game and practice days.

Is your child responsible? Limit precious jewelry to occasions when you can supervise. You don't want a special occasion to be spoiled by an accident or forgetfulness.

Give them designs they'll love:
  • Think hearts and natural motifs like bees, butterflies, bugs and flowers
  • Light up little faces with studs and small hoops, but save dramatic drops and dangles for their teens or 20s
  • Charm her with charms! Bracelets and necklaces can be added to for years
  • Give him an ID bracelet; they're perennially cool and always classic
  • Start collecting birthstone jewelry for her. Opt for enamel instead of valuable gemstones for color.
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